Computer Labs

We maintain two computer labs in Burnside Hall (1B16 and 1B17) as well as remote stations in science buildings all over campus.

Graphic for Computer Labs


Our two main computer labs are in the basement of Burnside Hall, rooms 1B16 and 1B17. We also have computers in the following buildings:

  • Duff Microbiology - Hallway
  • Otto Maass Chemistry - Lobby
  • Rutherford Physics - Lab on Main Floor
  • Stewart Biology - North wing, 3rd floor


Undergraduate Science and Arts & Science students have 24/7 card access to Burnside Hall and our computer labs. For other students, the computer labs are unlocked between 9h00 and 17h00, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), and Burnside Hall is open to the public between 6h00 and 23h00, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).

Access to other locations varies based on the individual building hours. After-hours card access is dependent on your department/program.

Opening hours (excluding holidays):

  • Duff - 8h00 to 18h00, Monday to Friday
  • Otto Maass - 7h00 to 19h00, Monday to Friday
  • Rutherford - 8h00 to 21h00, Monday to Thursday; 8h00 to 18h00 Friday
  • Stewart Biology - 7h45 to 22h15, Monday to Friday


  • No food.
  • No drinks with open lids. Drinks must be covered (e.g. water bottles and thermoses are permitted).
  • No gaming in the labs. This includes installed games, games run from USB drives, and browser-based games.

System Information

Computer Information

  • Dell Optiplex 9020
  • Intel i7-4790 @ 3.6 GHz 4C/8T CPU
  • 16.0 GB RAM
  • 4 GB Geforce GTX 745 video card
  • 256 GB SSD, 500 GB HDD
  • DVD+/RW optical drive
  • Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB v1903
  • Dell 27” 1920 × 1080 monitors

Installed Programs

  • Firefox and Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote)
  • LibreOffice and OpenOffice Suite
  • Notepad++, Eclipse, Sublime Text, RStudio and Geany
  • PuTTY and WinSCP
  • Pidgin (an instant messaging client)
  • MiKTeX, TeXstudio, and LyX

Let us know if you would like a new program added to our machines.

Storage Space

All of our computers provide access to two shared network drives on which students can save personal documents, the campus-wide P: drive and the CTF-hosted M: drive. The P: and M: drives provide 1.00 GB and 2.00 GB of storage space, respectively. If you run out of storage space, you may find programs starting to behave erratically; in that case, you should try deleting old or unused files.

Computer Problems

If you are having problems with a computer we manage, come by the office (Burnside 1B19) or send us an email at and we’ll send someone to take a look at it for you.